CBD & Botanical Products
Pure Kind Botanicals CBD-infused products are manufactured by PureHemp Technology.
PureHemp is pleased to offer the highest quality full-spectrum hemp-infused wellness
products. Our premium offerings include a variety of topical and ingestible products made
in our cGMP certified (good manufacturing practices), CDPHE (Colorado Department of
Public Health and Environment) licensed, USHA (US Hemp Authority) certified, and USDA
organic certified facility. We take extra care to ensure the integrity of our hemp extract
products and welcome you to join us as we continue to promote hemp for healing people
and for healing the planet.

For our retail customers, visit PureKindBotanicals.com, where we offer premium ingestible and topical products including organic, classic and water-soluble CBD
PureHemp also offers private label and resale programs, with commensurate pricing. We
provide custom formulation services, along with fulfillment services including drop ship
support. Our experienced and knowledgeable formulation team can customize and
optimize almost any desired botanical product for you. For additional information click below.